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Sunday, 10 July 2016

Components Of Dotnet Framework:

 Components Of .net Framework:
         DOTNET Framework contains the following Components
                1. CLR (Common Language Runtime)
                         i) CLS (Common Language Specification)
                         ii) CTS (Common Type System)
                         iii) GC (Garbage Collector)
                         IV) JIT (Just In Time) Compiler
                2. BCL (Base Class Libraries) of FCL (Frame Work Class Libraries)
  •       CLS:
                 CLS is responsible to provide Language interoperability
                 This is achieved in 2 ways 1)Managed code 2)Unmanaged code
                   Language interoperability :
                 Provides code execution support that has been written in other programming Language  is known as Language interoperability
                 Language interoperability is achieved using managed and unmanaged.
  •      Managed Code:
                       Code for which MSIL is generated after Language compiler compilation is directly executed by the CLR known as managed code.
                       The code execution process is known as managed code execution
                       CLR will provide all the facilities and features of .NET to the managed code execution like Language interoperability, Automatic memory Management, Common Data type  system, exception handling mechanism, code access security etc.
  •       Unmanaged Code:
                      Code that has written before development of .Net for which MSIL is not available is not  executed by the CLR directly rather CLR redirects the code to os for execution which is  known as unmanaged code
                      The code execution process is known as Unmanaged code execution
                      CLR doesn’t provide all the facilities and features of .NET to the managed code execution like Language interoperability, Automatic memory Management, Common Data type system, exception handling mechanism, code access security etc.
                      Examples for Unmanaged code are COM components, win32APIs etc.
                      Always managed code execution is faster and unmanaged code execution is slow.

  • What is CLS?
                   Language Specification :Every programming Language will have some syntactical rules used to write the code which is known as Language specification.
                   As we know that in managed code execution process .Net supports many programming Language.
                   Every programLanguage has its own specification.
                   One programming Language cannot understand other programming Language specification
                   But CLR is able to execute all programming Language code this because,CLR cannot understand any programming Language specification rather CLR has its own Languagespecification (syntactical rules) for its MSIL.
Any Language compiler should follow thisLanguage specification of CLR at the time of compilation and should generate MSIL, CLR’s JIT Compiler will generate native code from MSIL and CLR will execute it.
                   This Language specification of CLR is common to all programming Language’s of managed code execution of .NET and is known as CLS(Common Language Specification).

  • CTS:
                  As we know that in managed code execution process .NET supports many programming Language’s
                  Every programming Language has its own data types
                  One programming Language cannot understand other programming Language data types
                  But CLR will execute all programming Language’s data types , this is possible because CLR will                             contain its own data types ,which is common to all the programming Languages
                  At the time of compilation all Language specific data types are converted in to CLR’s Data type
                  This data type system of CLR which is common to all programming Language’s of .net is known as                       common type system.
                  This common type system is divided into two categories
                    1. Value types
                    2. Reference types

Value types
  • The data types which store the data directly into their memory locations is known as value types
Referenced types:
  • The data types which do not store the data directly into their memory locations rather refers to the other memory locations is known as reference types
Diff between value types and reference types

Boxing:Boxing is the process of converting a variable from value type to reference type
Unboxing:Unboxing is the process of converting a variable from reference type to value type

Sources : Wikipedi and MSDN

Saturday, 9 July 2016

Why Dotnet?????

We can develop any type of application like…..
  1. Console Application   (COMMAND PROMPT)
  2. Desktop Application  (WINDOWS APPS)
  3. Web Application (Threw Browser and Internet)
  4. Graphical apps
  5. Networks apps
  6. 2d & 3d animations
  7. Gaming apps
  8. Remoting apps
  9. Web services
  10. Cloud Computing
  11. Mobile apps
  12. Scientific  apps
Ø  Using One IDE  and it can support more than 40000 Classes +CLR(Common Language Runtime) +BCL(Base class Libraries)

Thursday, 16 April 2015

What is Dotnet ?

        •   It is not an OS
        •  It is not a application/package
        •   It is not a Database
        •   It is not a ERP application
        •   It is not a Testing Tool
        •   It is not a programming Language

Ø                                         .NET is a Framework it is a collection of packages which support many Languages and it is multi targeting program Language.

Ø  It supports 61 programming Languages 9 are designed by Microsoft and 52 are designed by non Microsoft (Third party)

Friday, 11 January 2013

Online Training in Dotnet

Hai Friends,

       I’m starting the online training in dotnet in any technology pls encourage me.im teaching any new
technology in dotnet especially in wpf ,wcf,MVC3 and also provide academic projects in 2010 to 2012.

     Pls share to ur friends and colleagues if any one interest pls cal me n mail me .

   **Any interesting people can take my demo n pls cal me or mail me above id and also follow my blog

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Partial Classes in C#

Partial Classes :

It is a New feature that has been add in c#2.0 that allows you to define a class on multiple files.

Partial classes allows us to spilit huge volumes of code into multiple files so that organating becomes easier as well as multiple programmers can work onthe some class at the same time

Partial classes are advised to be used in the places where a class contains code related to perfrom diff operations there separate

diff code into diff files so that they get physically separated but logically thay come under the same class

part1.cs :

using System;
namespace OOPSProject
    partial class Parts
        public void Method1()
            Console.WriteLine("Method 1");
        public void Method2()
            Console.WriteLine("Method 2");


using System;
namespace OOPSProject
    partial class Parts
        public void Method3()
            Console.WriteLine("Method 3");
        public void Method4()
            Console.WriteLine("Method 4");

using System;
namespace OOPSProject
    class TestParts
        static void Main()
            Parts p = new Parts();
            p.Method1(); p.Method2();
            p.Method3(); p.Method4();

Note :
In case of partial class if we want to inherit from any other class it doesnt require to be done in all the files we need to do it in any single file

Friday, 20 April 2012

Delegates in c#

Delegates Basics
Delegates are references to methods. So far we have used references to objects, e.g. Stack st = new Stack();

Here st is a reference to an object of the Stack class type. Hence, each reference has two properties: 1. The type of object (class) the reference can point to. 2. The actual object referenced (or pointed to) by the reference.

Delegates are similar to object references, but are used to reference methods instead of objects. The type of a delegate is the type or signature of the method rather than the class. Hence a delegate has three properties:
1. The type or signature of the method that the delegate can point to
2. The delegate reference which can be used to reference a method
3. The actual method referenced by the delegate

Author's Note: The concept of delegates is similar to the function pointers used in C++.

1.The type or signature of the method the delegate can point to
Before using a delegate, we need to specify the type or signature of the method the delegate can reference. The signature of a method includes its return type and the type of parameters which it requires to be passed. For example:
int someMethod(string [] args) 
Is the common signature of the Main() method of a C# programs defined as:
int Main(string [] args)

And for the following Add() method:
int Add(int a, int b)
    return a+b;

The signature will be:
int aMethod(int p, int q)
Which is also the signature of following Subtract() method:
int Subtract(int c, int d)
    return c-d;

It should be noticed from the above examples that the name of a method is not the part of its signature; the signature only involves its return type and parameters.

In case of delegates, we define the type of a delegate using the delegate keyword, e.g.
delegate int MyDelegate(int p, int q);
Here we have defined a delegate type with the name 'MyDelegate'. The reference of this delegate type can be used to point to any method which takes two integers as parameters and returns an integer value.

2.The delegate reference, that can be used to reference a method
Once we have defined a delegate type, we can set it to reference actual methods with matching signatures. A delegate reference can be declared just like an object reference. For example, a reference of type MyDelegate (defined above) can be declared as:
MyDelegate arithMethod;
The delegate reference arithMethod can now reference any method whose signature is identical to the signature of MyDelegate.

3.The actual method referenced by the delegate
The delegate reference can be made to reference any method with a matching signature by passing its name as the parameter of delegate:
arithMethod = new MyDelegate(Add);
Here, the arithMethod delegate reference is made to point to the Add() method by passing its name as a parameter to the delegate type (MyDelegate).

The last two steps can be merged together in a single statement, like this:-
MyDelegate arithMethod = new MyDelegate(Add);
Calling the actual method through its delegate
Once the delegate reference 'arithMethod' has been made to point to the Add() method, it can be used to call the actual method like this:-
int r = arithMethod(3, 4);
The complete source code of the program is presented below.
using System;
namespace CSharpSchool
    class Test
        delegate int MyDelegate(int p, int q);
               static void Main()
                   MyDelegate arithMethod = new MyDelegate(Add);
                   int r = arithMethod(3, 4);
                   Console.WriteLine("The result of arthmetic operation 
            `+' on 3 and 4 is: {0}",r);
               static int Add(int a, int b)
                   return a + b;
The result of the above program will be

The result of arthmetic operation `+' on 3 and 4 is: 7
Press any key to continue

The above program can be changed so that the arithmetic operation can be selected by the user.
using System;
namespace CSharpSchool
    class Test
        delegate int MyDelegate(int p, int q);
               static void Main()
                   MyDelegate arithMethod = null;
                   Console.WriteLine("Which arithmetic operation you 
            like to perform on 3 and 4?");
                   Console.WriteLine("Press + for Add        ");
                   Console.WriteLine("Press - for Subtract   ");
                   Console.Write("Press m for Maximum Number ");
                   char choice = (char) Console.Read();
                       case '+':
                    arithMethod = new MyDelegate(Add);
                               case '-':
                                   arithMethod = new MyDelegate(Subtract);
                               case 'm':
                                   arithMethod = new MyDelegate(Max);
                   int r = arithMethod(3, 4);
                   Console.WriteLine("\nThe result of arithmetic 
            operation {0} on 3 and 4 is: {1}", choice, r);
               static int Add(int a, int b)
                   return a + b;
               static int Subtract(int a, int b)
                   return a-b;
               static int Max(int c, int d)
                               return c;
                               return d;
Here we have defined three methods with the same signature; Add(), Subtract() and Max(). A delegate type called MyDelegate is defined so that its reference arithDelegate can point to any method with a matching signature. The delegate reference 'arithDelegate' is used to point out the particular method based on the user input at runtime. The sample output of the code is:

Which arithmetic operation you like to perform on 3 and 4?
Press + for Add
Press - for Subtract
Press m for Maximum Number -

The result of arithmetic operation - on 3 and 4 is: -1
Press any key to continue

Since, in the output above, the user pressed '-', the delegate reference is made to reference and call the Subtract() method. The above program shows that the same delegate reference can be used to point to various methods as long as their signature is same as the signature specified by the delegate type.

Confusion in terminology
Unfortunately, the same term 'delegate' is used for both 'delegate type' and 'delegate reference', which sometimes creates confusion in the reader's mind. For the sake of clarity, we are continuously using the term 'delegate type' and 'delegate reference' and will recommend the readers to also use these.

Delegates in the .Net Framework
Although C# presents delegates as a keyword and as a first class language construct, in .Net delegates are present as a reference type, and all delegates inherit from the System.Delegate type. Hence, technically, our prior definition that said 'a delegate is a reference to a method' is not quite appropriate. A delegate is a reference type derived from System.Delegate and its instances can be used to call methods with matching signatures. Another important thing to note here is that since defining a delegate means creating a new sub-type of System.Delegate, the delegates can not be defined within a method (which is also true for ordinary types). This is the reason why we have defined the delegate MyDelegate outside the Main() method in the example code of this lesson.
class Test
    delegate int MyDelegate(int p, int q);
    static void Main()
               MyDelegate arithMethod = null;

Passing delegates to methods
Just like a reference to an object can be passed to other objects, the delegate reference of one method can be passed to another method. For example, lets make a method called 'PerformArithOperation()', which takes two integers and a delegate reference of type MyDelegate, and calls the encapsulated method using the two integers.
static void PerformArithOperation(int a, int b, MyDelegate arithOperation)
    int r = arithOperation(a, b);
    Console.WriteLine("\nThe result of arithmetic operation on 3 
    and 4 is: {0}", r);

Now in the Main() method, we will call this method as
PerformArithOperation(3, 4, arithMethod);

Hence, the task of collecting and printing the result has been delegated (or transferred) to the PerformArithOperation() method. The complete source code of the program is shown below.
using System;
namespace CSharpSchool
    class Test
               delegate int MyDelegate(int p, int q);
               static void Main()
                   MyDelegate arithMethod = null;
                   Console.WriteLine("Which arithmetic operation you 
            like to perform on 3 and 4?");
                   Console.WriteLine("Press + for Add        ");
                   Console.WriteLine("Press - for Subtract   ");
                   Console.Write("Press m for Maximum Number ");
                   char choice = (char) Console.Read();
                               case '+':
                    arithMethod = new MyDelegate(Add);
                               case '-':
                                   arithMethod = new MyDelegate(Subtract);
                               case 'm':
                                   arithMethod = new MyDelegate(Max);
                   PerformArithOperation(3, 4, arithMethod);
               static void PerformArithOperation(int a, int b, MyDelegate 
                   int r = arithOperation(a, b);
                   Console.WriteLine("\nThe result of arithmetic 
            operation on 3 and 4 is: {0}", r);
               static int Add(int a, int b)
                   return a + b;
               static int Subtract(int a, int b)
                   return a-b;
               static int Max(int c, int d)
                               return c;
                               return d;

Multicast Delegates
A special feature of delegates is that a single delegate can encapsulate more than one method of a matching signature. These kind of delegates are called 'Multicast Delegates'. Internally, multicast delegates are sub-types of System.MulticastDelegate, which itself is a subclass of System.Delegate. The most important point to remember about multicast delegates is that "The return type of a multicast delegate type must be void". The reason for this limitation is that a multicast delegate may have multiple methods in its invocation list. Since a single delegate (or method) invocation can return only a single value, a multicast delegate type must have the void return type.

Implementing a Multicast Delegate
A multicast delegate is defined in exactly the same way as a simple delegates, with the exception that the return type of a multicast delegate is strictly void.
delegate void MyMulticastDelegate(int p, int q);

The different methods are added to multicast delegate's invocation list by using '+=' assignment operator, like this:
MyMulticastDelegate arithMethod = null;
arithMethod = new  MyMulticastDelegate(Add);
arithMethod += new  MyMulticastDelegate(Subtract);
arithMethod += new  MyMulticastDelegate(Max);

The invocation of a multicast delegate is again similar to that of normal delegates and methods except that it in turn calls all the encapsulated methods.
arithMethod(3, 4);

The complete source code of this example is shown below.
using System;
namespace CSharpSchool
    class Test
               delegate void MyMulticastDelegate(int p, int q);
               static void Main()
                   MyMulticastDelegate arithMethod = null;
                   arithMethod = new  MyDelegate(Add);
                   arithMethod += new  MyDelegate(Subtract);
                   arithMethod += new  MyDelegate(Max);
                   arithMethod(3, 4);
               static void Add(int a, int b)
            Console.WriteLine("The sum of 3 and 4 is: {0}", a+b);
               static void Subtract(int a, int b)
                   Console.WriteLine("The difference of 3 and 4 is: {0}", a-b);
               static void Max(int c, int d)
                               Console.WriteLine("The Maximum of 3 and 4 is: {0}", c);
                               Console.WriteLine("The Maximum of 3 and 4 is: {0}", d);

Note that we have changed the Add(), Subtract() and Max() methods so that they have a void return type and print out the result of their respective operations within the body of the method. The output of the program is:

The sum of 3 and 4 is: 7
The difference of 3 and 4 is: -1
The Maximum of 3 and 4 is: 4
Press any key to continue

Note that the single delegate invocation has invoked all of the encapsulated methods. This concept is used in the event handling mechanism of .Net, described later in the lesson, where each event handler method is called (when the event is fired) through the multicast delegate.

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Removing a method from the multicast delegate's invocation list
Just as we can add methods to the multicast delegate's invocation list using '+=' operator, we can remove a method from the multicast delegate's invocation list using the '-=' operator. Consider the revised Main() method of the previous program shown below.
static void Main()
    Console.WriteLine("Adding 3 methods to the multicast delegate...");
    MyMulticastDelegate arithMethod = null;
    arithMethod = new  MyMulticastDelegate(Add);
    arithMethod += new  MyMulticastDelegate(Subtract);
    arithMethod += new  MyMulticastDelegate(Max);
    arithMethod(3, 4);
    Console.WriteLine("\nRemoving Subtract() method from the multicast 
    Console.WriteLine ("=========================================================");
    arithMethod -= new MyMulticastDelegate(Subtract);
    arithMethod(3, 4);

First we have added the three methods (Add(), Subtract() and Max()) to the multicast delegate 'MyMulticastDelegate' and invoked the delegate. Later, we removed the Subtract() method from the multicast delegate and invoked it again. The output of the code will be:

Adding 3 methods to the multicast delegate...
The sum of 3 and 4 is: 7
The difference of 3 and 4 is: -1
The Maximum of 3 and 4 is: 4

Removing Subtract() method from the multicast delegate...
The sum of 3 and 4 is: 7
The Maximum of 3 and 4 is: 4
Press any key to continue

The output shows that the Subtract() method has been removed from the delegate's invocation list and is not called when the delegate is invoked the second time.